Intellectual Property
Related Insights

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Richard Gilly to Speak at the American Petroleum Institute General Meeting
Richard P. Gilly, a member of Archer’s Intellectual Property Group and chairs the firm’s Patent Department, will speak alongside various experts at the American Petroleum Institute Houston Chapter General Meeting this April.

Tools for Combating Cybersquatting
Kate A. Sherlock, partner in Archer's Voorhees office, was recently published in the January edition of Commerce Magazine. The article, "Tools for Combating Cybersquatting," addresses what method trademark owners can utilize to obtain relief from cybersquatting in a quick, cost-effective way.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Kate Sherlock to Speak at Rutgers Law School Gender Diversity in IP Law Seminar
Archer partner Kate Sherlock will be a panel speaker at the Rutgers Law School seminar, Gender Diversity in IP Law. Kate and the other panel speakers will discuss their careers, challenges and triumphs. The seminar is being presented by Rutgers Intellectual Property Law Association, Rutgers Women's Law Caucus, and Rutgers Institute for Information Policy and Law.