Land Use
Related Insights

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Bill Caruso to Moderate CCSNJ Cannabis Workshop - Cannabis in South Jersey: Part Two
Bill Caruso, chair of Archer's Cannabis Group, will serve as moderator for the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey's (CCSNJ) half-day Cannabis Workshop, titled "Cannabis in South Jersey: Part Two." The program will consist of three panel discussions including a mixture of local municipal leaders supportive of the cannabis industry, conversations on the obstacles cannabis business owners and cultivators are facing, as well as a regulatory/legislative panel with statewide cannabis experts.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Andrew Fede to Speak at NBI's "Advanced Land Use and Zoning Disputes with Local Government" Live Webinar
Andrew Fede, Archer Land Use, Environmental Permitting & Compliance Group attorney, will serve as a speaker at the National Business Institute's "Advanced Land Use and Zoning Disputes with Local Government" Live Webinar on Thursday, August 31. The program will run from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Andrew will discuss "Digital Sign and Billboard Regulation: Insights From Top Lawyers" from 1:45 - 2:45 PM.

Press Releases
Maureen Coghlan, Debra Rosen and Richard Wells Recognized by NJLJ 2023 New Jersey Legal Awards
Archer is pleased to announce that three of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized for their efforts by the New Jersey Law Journal this year in the publication’s annual awards.*