Alternative Dispute Resolution
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In the News
SJ Magazine Mediation Roundtable
Archer attorney, the Hon. Marie Lihotz (Ret.), recently joined the SJ Magazine Mediation Roundtable to discuss the difference between getting divorced in courts and using a mediator. To view an excerpt from the roundtable, click here.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Marie Lihotz to Present "Ethical Considerations in Court-Connected & Private Mediations"
Archer's Marie Lihotz will present "Ethical Considerations in Court-Connected & Private Mediations" on May 5th at the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediator's 8th Annual Civil & Divorce Mediation Seminar: The Future is Now. The seminar will feature in-person speakers, speed networking, plenary sessions, a networking lunch, civil and divorce mediation breakouts, and much more.

In the News
Stephanie Zane and Marie Lihotz Interviewed for the Law360 Pulse Article "Archer Leaders Talk Growing Use of ADR in NJ Family Law"
Law360 Pulse recently interviewed Archer Family Law attorneys, Stephanie J. Zane and the Hon. Judge Marie E. Lihotz (Ret.), regarding the current state and future of family law in New Jersey. Jake Maher’s article “Archer Leaders Talk Growing Use of ADR in NJ Family Law,” is centered around the interview.