News & Insights

Press Releases
Archer: Offering a client-driven approach to family law
SJ Magazine featured an article titled “Archer: Offering a Client-Driven Approach to Family Law” covering the services provided by Archer’s Family Law Group. The magazine describes the Family Law Group as being ‘the gold standard solution for family legal situations,’ and ‘being a well-known South Jersey presence for almost a century.’

Press Releases
Drew Burach Honored as a Man of the Year by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs Middle Atlantic Region
Archer partner Drew A. Burach was recently honored as a Man of the Year by the Middle Atlantic Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club. Drew was honored at the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs Middle Atlantic Region Man of the Year/Youth of the Year Event on March 27. Every year, clubs within the region nominate men who have distinguished themselves and brought great honor to their respective Men’s Club, synagogue, or community, through their efforts and dedicated service.

Up Close & Personal - With the Matrimonial and Family Law Team of Archer & Greiner
"Up Close & Personal - With the Matrimonial and Family Law Team of Archer & Greiner" By: Liz Hunter, Suburban Family Magazine (August 2021).