Real Estate Tax Appeal
Representative Experience
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Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Alex Paul Genato to Serve as Speaker at the 2024 ABA/IPT Advanced Tax Seminars
Alex Genato, Archer Real Estate Tax Appeal Partner, be speaking on a panel at the 2024 ABA/IPT Advanced Tax Seminars in New Orleans from March 11-15, 2024. Panel information is as follows:

Press Releases
Alex Genato Appointed Committee Vice Chair in the ABA Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section
Archer is pleased to announce that partner Alex Genato has been appointed vice chair of the Property Tax Committee of the Land Use and Environmental Group in the Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section of the American Bar Association. He will serve a one-year term.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Alex Genato to Present at the American Bar Association's Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law CLE
Archer partner, Alex Genato, will present at the the American Bar Association's Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law CLE seminar titled, Weaponizing Highest and Best Use in Tax Appeals, being held on Wednesday, October 18th. When: Wednesday, October 18th 1:00 - 1:30 PM Where: Online Webinar What: The Highest and Best Use of a property is the foundation upon which every appraisal rests. However attorneys and appraisers often overlook how the specific definition of HBU affects the choice of comparable properties, the establishment of market or actual rent, and the determination of capitalization rates. This webinar will sharpen the thought given to properly defining HBU in forensic appraisals. It is a practical seminar directed to those who litigate municipal tax appeals. The ABA will seek 1.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 1.8 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state's approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit for general information on CLE at the ABA. To register, please click here: