Related Insights

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Bill Caruso to Moderate CCSNJ Cannabis Workshop - Cannabis in South Jersey: Part Two
Bill Caruso, chair of Archer's Cannabis Group, will serve as moderator for the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey's (CCSNJ) half-day Cannabis Workshop, titled "Cannabis in South Jersey: Part Two." The program will consist of three panel discussions including a mixture of local municipal leaders supportive of the cannabis industry, conversations on the obstacles cannabis business owners and cultivators are facing, as well as a regulatory/legislative panel with statewide cannabis experts.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Bill Caruso to Speak at NJ Cannabis Insider Business Conference
Bill Caruso, Partner and Chair of Archer's Cannabis Practice Group, will speak at the NJ Cannabis Insider LIVE Business Conference. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to meet key industry leaders, learn best business practices and stay up to date with trends, no matter their experience level.

Cultivating a Cannabis Brand
Archer Partner Kate Sherlock was recently published in Issue 260 of NJ Cannabis Insider. In the article, “Cultivating a cannabis brand,” Kate discusses the necessary steps to cultivating and protecting a cannabis brand by walking through several alternative options to combat the inability to register cannabis trademarks at the federal level and protect their cannabis trademarks.