Data Breach Litigation
We litigate individual and class action data breach claims by and against owners of private information, credit card companies, financial institutions, financial services companies, retailers, energy companies, government agencies, healthcare providers, and manufacturers, among others. We also represent businesses in recouping losses from data breaches caused by others, often in matters in which vendors and other entities with whom our clients contracted failed to meet applicable legal and contractual data security standards.
Our data privacy and cybersecurity litigation attorneys have a detailed understanding of the evolving and often contradictory array of local, national and international rules that control information privacy law and cyber security law, as well as the multiple environments where critical data lives. This enables them to make an aggressive, rapid response to information privacy law and cyber security law challenges to help clients address allegations of inappropriate or inadequate data security practices or assert claims where warranted.
Additionally, our data privacy and cybersecurity litigation attorneys work closely with Archer Discovery Strategies, an inter-practice team of firm attorneys, legal assistants and technical personnel with a particular focus on “eDiscovery” to offer clients and Archer litigation attorneys in other disciplines solutions for managing the intersection between information security law and discovery demands. These consultations occur most often when information protected by data privacy laws is relevant to litigation of any kind and subject to disclosure during the discovery process. We work to assure that our clients’ information remains protected and that other parties’ protected information is securely transferred and stored consistent with applicable laws and discovery protocols.