Michael D. Reeve, CEDS
Litigation Technology Manager
News & Insights

Press Releases
Michael Reeve Appointed Director of Membership for ACEDS - Philadelphia Chapter
Michael Reeve, Archer’s Litigation Technology Manager, was recently appointed Director of Membership for the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS). ACEDS is the world’s leading e-discovery training and certification professional association. The Philadelphia Chapter provides a local forum through which legal professionals in Pennsylvania could support the advancement of e-discovery and its adjacent areas within the legal industry. The organization announced five other experts, along with Michael, who will serve on the Board of Directors. These appointments are part of the chapter’s reformation, after closing their doors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Lloyd Freeman and Mike Reeve to Present at NJSBA's 2020 Annual Meeting CLE Webinar
On Wednesday, May 13, Archer's Lloyd Freeman and Michael Reeve will present at the NJSBA 2020 Annual Meeting CLE webinar: "e-Discovery and Remote Depositions: Practical Tips for Every Practitioner." Electronic discovery is everywhere. In fact, there is no discovery that is not eDiscovery! Understand what you need to know, from a basic glossary of terms and tech-tips, to a view from the bench and what judges are expecting.