Alexis M. Way
Representative Experience
News & Insights

Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Serving on a Nonprofit Board 2025: Basics and Ethical Responsibilities
Attorneys Noel Fleming, Jeffrey Scott, Kayci Petenko and Alexis Way will be presenting at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s program, “Serving on a Nonprofit Board 2025: Basics and Ethical Responsibilities.” Explore the role of a Board of Directors and the laws governing nonprofits. The program will provide training on the basics of nonprofit board service, including charitable issues raised under state and federal laws for current board members.

Three's Company: Can a Nonsignatory to an Arbitration Agreement Compel or Be Compelled to Arbitrate?
The proliferation of arbitration agreements in consumer and business contracts presents challenges when a dispute, governed by an arbitration agreement, also involves claims against or advanced by a third party, who is not party to that arbitration agreement.

Client Advisories
This Time It's Personal (Jurisdiction): U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s Consent to Jurisdiction by Registering to do Business Statute
As the term ends for the Supreme Court, there have been several opinions issued recently that have garnered public attention. However, one decision may have flown under the radar that could have significant implications on businesses and where they can be sued: Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co.