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Articles 4 results
Unchartered Waters: The AI Phishing Wave Is Here
Attorneys, Kate A. Sherlock and Nicholas T. Franchetti, authored the article, "Unchartered Waters: The AI Phishing Wave Is Here," for the New Jersey Law Journal writing, "AI is poised to make both traditional and spear phishing cheaper and more effective." For traditional phishing, AI can generate and send thousands of emails in virtually no time, whereas an individual threat actor would have needed minutes or hours to write each underlying email. Moreover, as AI has become more sophisticated, studies have shown that AI-generated emails are now indistinguishable from those written by humans. AI’s effect on spear phishing has been even more pronounced.
Trends in Cybersecurity Litigation
"Trends in Cybersecurity Litigation" By: Robert Egan and Nicholas Franchetti, December 2019, The Barrister CCBA
"Legal Risks Expand for Directors Who Fail to Monitor Companies’ Cybersecurity Practices and Compliance", By: Robert Egan and Nicholas Franchetti, November 2019, New Jersey Law Journal
Client Advisories 3 results
Client Advisories
The Shifting Landscape of Esports Leagues
Compared to traditional sports, esports are in a constant state of flux at almost every level. New games enter the competitive scene as they are released or gain popularity, and the games themselves experience updates and balance changes throughout the year, from minor tweaks to new playable characters or maps. These changes are almost entirely decided by the games’ developers, who control not just the content of the games, but also have substantial influence over the competitions involving them, creating a tournament landscape that can be difficult to navigate for newcomers and professionals alike.
Client Advisories
A Change on the Horizon? New Jersey Legislature Advancing Bill to Limit Non-Competes
On March 19, 2022, the New Jersey Assembly Labor Committee considered and pushed forward a bill, A3715, which codifies many of New Jersey’s existing standards for non-compete agreements, but adds a number of new restrictions both to the viable (and prohibited) terms for non-competes, as well as to the procedures that employers must follow to establish and enforce them. We’ve previously written about other legislative attempts to regulate the use of non-competes, as seen here. A3715 is the latest such attempt and contains changes, if enacted, employers should know about immediately. The procedural changes, such as a requirement that the employer disclose the terms of the non-compete 30 days before the commencement of employment, are important to the extent that employers will have to be aware of and comply with them if and when A3715 becomes law. Conversely, A3715’s restrictions on the terms of non-competes present an immediate concern for employers because A3715 explicitly excludes any non-compete “in effect on or before the date of enactment.”
Client Advisories
Every business generates and maintains various types of information, and whether it be trade secrets, confidential customer records or things like customer complaints, they do not want their information to fall into the hands of a competitor or the general public. There are several laws that a business can invoke to protect its information if it takes the proper precautions. One such law is the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), which applies to unauthorized access to electronically stored or “digital” information. However, in its recent decision in Van Buren v. United States, the United States Supreme Court limited the protections available to owners of digital information under the CFAA.
Press Releases 3 results
Press Releases
Robert T. Egan, Chair of Archer's Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Group, and Nicholas T. Franchetti, of Archer's Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Group and Business Litigation Group, co-author the Security Info Watch article, "Wawa Data Breach Aftermath: Observations from the Legal Side of Things" published on June 1, 2020.
Press Releases
Archer Attorneys Coach Bishop Eustace High School to Win Camden County Mock Trial Championship
Press Releases
Archer & Greiner Welcomes Three New Associates
Archer & Greiner P.C. is pleased to announce the addition of three new attorneys, Nicholas Franchetti, Jorge Garcia, and Thomas W. Nardi. Nicholas and Jorge are located in the firm’s Haddonfield office and Thomas is located in the firm’s Philadelphia office.
Speaking Engagements & Seminars 1 result
Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Ask Archer: A Fireside Chat; Attorney Client Privilege: What Companies Need to Know
When: Thursday, March 10, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM EST