News & Insights
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Articles 5 results
Using the Grow New Jersey and NJRA Programs to Bolster Redevelopment
(Published in the New Jersey Conference of Mayors Magazine, June 2012) By: Robert W. Bucknam
Land Use Law Advisory: New Jersey Extends Moratorium on Nonresidential Development Fee
On August 24, 2011, Acting Governor Kim Guadagno signed legislation that was passed without dissent by both the Senate and the Assembly, on June 29, 2011, approving a two (2) year moratorium on the 2.5% Fee charged by municipalities on all nonresidential development based on a project’s equalized assessment.
Development Opportunities and COAH Third Round Plans: Are Your Projects Impacted?
December 31, 2008, was the Council on Affordable Housing’s (“COAH”) deadline for the vast majority of New Jersey’s municipalities to submit “Round 3” Fair Share Plans and updated Housing Elements (collectively, “FSPs”).
Client Advisories 8 results
Client Advisories
NJBPU Announces Public Stakeholder Series for Grid Modernization
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) recently published notice for a series of public meetings to collect stakeholder input on Grid Modernization and improving the Interconnection Process in New Jersey. We at Archer Law & Archer Public Affairs have been anticipating that the NJBPU would be undertaking such a process to address regulatory issues that could lead to comprehensive grid modernization proposals.
Client Advisories
On April 8, 2020, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued Executive Order No. 122, which does the following:
Client Advisories
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Signs Permit Extension Act
On September 21, 2012, Governor Chris Christie signed the third Permit Extension Act into law.
Press Releases 8 results
Press Releases
Archer Client Altus Power Wins
Archer client Altus Power, a Blackstone company, was among the largest individual recipients of New Jersey Community Solar Pilot year 2 project awards in both the number of approved projects and in the percentage of solar energy capacity.
Press Releases
2013 Atlantic Builders Convention's Educational Programs
Robert W. Bucknam and Lloyd Freeman will be Speakers at the 2013 Atlantic Builders Convention's Educational Programs in Atlantic City.
Press Releases
Robert Bucknam on ICLE/NJSBA Panel for Land Use Law Seminar
Who: Robert W. Bucknam, Jr. What: The New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE), a division of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) will host "Land Use Basics". Mr. Bucknam will present the "Fundamentals: Municipal Land Use Law and Regulations." The land use development approval process in the Garden State requires navigating through an increasingly complex bureaucratic maze of permits, approvals and other governmental regulations. This regulatory maze has resulted in the proliferation of local, county, state and federal agencies with overlapping review authority. This practical program will give you a road map for navigating through the maze. You'll review the basics of land use practice, enhance your understanding of land use law, and pick up valuable practice tips for appearing before local planning and zoning boards. Where: The Westin Mt. Laurel 555 Fellowship Road Mt. Laurel, NJ
Speaking Engagements & Seminars 6 results
Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Bob Bucknam will be presenting the program “Legal Trends in Land Use,” at the Atlantic Builders Convention. This program will examine legislation, regulations and court decisions relating to the land development review process continuing to modify the legal framework within which real estate is developed. A panel of land use attorneys will examine the most recent significant changes and discuss their implication for the future.
Speaking Engagements & Seminars
Clint Allen and Robert W. Bucknam, Jr. To Speak at New Jersey’s Premier Land Use Update
When: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET
Speaking Engagements & Seminars
When: Tue, November 17, 10am – 12pm